Hello there
So, as you've read the title, this account will be permanently offline, but why? You ask, well, this account is rarely used now and I forget about it alot. When I did use the account, I would play alot of games to be on the leaderboard and become famous!
However I made this account when I was younger, I am over that age now, I'm now a teenager.
Nownow, don't get overwhelmed at me but, my Newgrounds days are mostly over with, and now I have a Twitter and ImgFlip account I'm more active on, that you can find here:
Anyway, I am going to not delete this account (Because look, I am 1st on KET!), But I am going to remove all information from this account.
Anyway, bye...
Notice: If you see me online after this message changing something, I'm not doing anything else after that.I
Final notices: You can leave goodbye notes, I will see them, but I might not response to them. You may unfollow me now, I am done using this site because I am...
Mrbaldi2 *2019-2022*